Hi all,
Forgive me for the late introduction, I just figured out how to actually write a new post. Anyways, I just wanted to take a moment to introduce myself via the blog, as well as discuss how I came to be a member of this coarse.
My name is Soren Phibbs. I was born and raised in a small blue collar town here in the mountains of Colorado. I grew up on raft and a pair skis. While I have had a long lasting connection with water and its many forms I chose this coarse as an opportunity to break away from my very rigid sense of design; there is no such thing as a straight line in the world of water.
I have wanted to be an architect from a very early age but as I get deeper in to the program I have begun to realize that perhaps I am a better designer rather then architect. An architect is a profession as well as professional. He balances his time well. He describes his work, his process, and his conclusions. An architect is this hybrid designer, business man, and professional. I am a designer in the sense of a mind set. Much like the difference between artist and artistic, I am a designer in the way I see the world, interpret it, portray it and eventually exist within it without ever hinting at expressing it on a canvas or model or building or garden. This realization has pushed me to explore smaller scale less restricted interests, i.e. this coarse.
Plus we get to build something!
I look forward to the coarse, the further exploration of water, as well as working together to create something truly unique.
-Soren Phibbs
Soren this is Monika, could I get your number..I have some questions for you since you have more knowledge about water =) My email is mges@colorado.edu --thank you! Monika